ACFAA’s aim is the promotion of cultural life and well-being in the communities of Eymet and surrounding communes. Its objective is the development of activities that build community rapport. The Association offers a wide range of activities in the fields of culture (art, atelier, craft, photography, gardening, history, music, dance etc) and wellness, as well as language classes and events for members within the local community. Membership is open to everyone.
Amicale Culturelle Europeenne is a bilingual association based in Normandy. Members are of various nationalities (French, British, Belgian, Swedish, American, Dutch, German) and widely spread over Manche & Calvados.
We organize events such as visits to exhibitions, monuments, places of interest, talks or lectures on various subjects, private showing of films and operas, 2/3 day leisure outings, regular luncheons and a yearly get together with CONNECT, a similar association located in Dieppe.
The AAGP is a non-profit social organisation, created over 50 years ago, run by volunteers, offering opportunities to find friendship, support and information relevant to life in France. We organise a year-round programme of activities for all ages and interests which are published in a monthly newsletter. Our aims are to welcome English-speaking newcomers to their new life in Provence, to share activities, make new friends and promote friendship within our French community.
Formed in 1993, we are an association of English-speaking people enjoying Normandy, who aim to help each other in our integration into the French way of life and form links with the local French community.
We organise events, walks, visits to places of interest and local enterprises and conversation groups, all of which enable us to learn more about our local countryside and communities. We frequently enjoy seasonal celebrations and the food of Normandy.
President: John Jenkins
02 33 17 81 46
The association was founded in 1985 by a small group of English people who met regularly in Carpentras to practice their French. Monthly outings were soon added to the weekly conversation meetings and we now offer a variety of activities and outings, announced in the monthly newsletter and on the website.
One of our most important roles is to help anglophones from countries all over the world integrate into the area.
President: Marie-Jacqueline Ballagh
The Association, founded in 1916 while the Franco-British Society was being founded in London, aims to foster and develop Franco-British co-operation.
The AFGB network includes some 20 local associations, which organise talks and debates, visits and theme trips, social activities and, in general, aim to spread and promote British cultural and intellectual life, whilst helping British expats to integrate in France.
President: Patrick Hénault 06 84 64 20 37
Contact: Elisabeth de Roquemaurel
The Lyon & Rhône branch of the Association France - Grande-Bretagne aims to promote Franco-British relations through cultural activities, including a monthly luncheon, talks by visiting speakers, a book circle, an English Scrabble group, a poetry reading group, cinema outings to see films in English, conversation groups and a group which organises social events and outings. A monthly newsletter sent to members contains details of our programme, which can also be found on our website.
President: Christine Olley
In 2005 a group of British and French residents from Royan started AFA to encourage interaction between the cultures. Over the years the association has grown and now we have a full diary of events year-round including arts and crafts, clubs for different interests, visits etc. To encourage integration of members and improve language skills, the committee has an equal number of British and French members. See more on our website.
The AFE was born in 1896 a few months after its sister, the Franco-Scottish Society, was founded in Edinburgh. Its aims are to promote good relations between Scotland and France by the exchange of goodwill visits, by making Scotland better known in France through regular lectures and meetings in the old Scots College in Paris and by encouraging research on Scotland in French universities.
President - Prof. Clarisse Godard Desmarest, Tel: 06 03 09 50 98 email:
Vice-President - Thierry Rechniewski, Tel: 07 81 58 33 39 / 01 46 24 79 19
Regional representation of the BCC in the Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes region
The Bordeaux British Community is an Aquitaine-based social association. We have a multi-national membership, the only requirement is a reasonable grasp of the English language.
Our association has on our books approximately 100 family memberships, who mostly live within an 80 km radius of Bordeaux. Normally we have around 3 events each month and issue a monthly newsletter. If you would like to learn more about us visit our website.
BACO, which has historically focused on the Calais area and nearby coastal towns and villages, has continued its expansion southwards, with new members and events in the Montreuil/Hesdin sector. As well as social activities we continue to advise members on issues affecting their position in France in a changing political climate on both sides of the channel. Our monthly English Book Club continues to explore an eclectic series of authors and titles.
President: George Murray 06 08 04 31 34
The BAM was established in 1935 and is one of the most active associations in the Principality.
We aim to provide a social focus for British citizens living in and around Monaco and to represent their views in the Principality. We organise monthly outings, talks, etc., and give aid to British citizens who may be in need, whether BAM members or not.
A monthly Newsletter provides members with articles and a diary of current events in Monaco.
Tel: +337 93 50 19 52
Mobile: +33 6 80 86 72 90
Website - X - Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook
Our brief is to further the aims of the British Conservative Party and to provide a forum for Conservative Party supporters.
Our political and social events involving British politicians enable our members to debate political issues and meet visiting British and sometimes French parliamentarians. We represent members' views to the Party and we encourage qualified British subjects to register to vote in the UK.
Chairman - Jeremy Stubbs
137, rue du Général de Gaulle, 78740 Vaux-sur-Seine
06 38 53 11 66
The British European Movement, France, the French branch of the European Movement UK, is open to British citizens residing anywhere in France. Our aim is to protect their European Citizen’s Rights now that we have left the EU and to maintain the post-Brexit rights of EU citizens in the UK by supporting the aims and activities of the European Movement UK, lobbying British, French and European MPs and other relevant bodies.
Chairman: Geoffrey Ross 01 45 49 27 10
Freemasonry is one of the world's oldest and largest non-religious, non-political, fraternal and charitable organisations. Its values are based on integrity, kindness, honesty, fairness and tolerance.
Every freemason makes his own journey of self-discovery, learning new skills, making lasting friendships, and above all having fun. Lodges offer all their members a place of harmony and tranquillity, an antidote to busy, modern life.
Details of English-speaking recognised and regular Lodges in France are available from :
Founded in 1916, the “Advisory Committee Lunch”, consisting of members of the Ambassador’s Advisory Committee on Exemptions from National Service, changed its name in 1935 to The British Luncheon (1916).
Membership, by election only, is currently limited to 100 plus 15 privileged members including Her Majesty’s Diplomatic Service officers. Luncheons are held on the third Tuesday of every month at the Cercle de l'Union Interallié, with an annual Christmas luncheon, to which guests are invited.
Honorary Secretary - C M Wicker
The BCWA was created in 1962, but has evolved over the years to accommodate changing times and more importantly, the changing attitudes of modern women. It offers abroad range of activities such as MahJong, Scrabble, book groups, bridge, quizzes, needlecraft, French beginners, yoga, easy gym and monthly walks in Paris. There are clubroom lunches and outside lunches. The BCWA is a voluntary organisation; all events are organised by members.
President: Sally Malingri de Bagnolo
Founded in 1922, the Caledonian Society of France is Scotland’s cultural hub in France. It celebrates Scottish culture through events (St Andrew’s Ball and Burns Supper), music, ceilidh dancing, conferences... for Scots and lovers of Scotland.
The Society also organises quiz nights, film shows, whisky tastings, excursions and visits to places of cultural interest in and around Paris.
Anyone, whether Scots-born or not but with an interest in Scotland and its culture and traditions, is welcome to join.
The Cambridge Society of Paris provides a Cambridge meeting point and representation of the University in Paris. Membership can be applied for on our website or by contacting us by email. Events include lectures, debates, Embassy Garden Party, dinners with eminent speakers, sporting and social events with a mix of in-person and virtual events. Current membership is 300. All alumni of Cambridge welcome to join and it is free if you are under 30!
President: Matthew Kay
Hon. Secretary: Jacques Li
Founded in 2003, the CLE is a group of enthusiastic members who now reside or intend to reside in France. They maintain contact with the British Consulate in order to keep their members correctly informed of French administrative changes affecting them. CLE organises a range of social activities and experiences, including flying days, trips exploring the region, regular lunches, quizzes and randonnées. Forums on French tax and other relevant issues provide crucial membership support.
President: Marilyn Reynolds 05 49 91 21 52
Founded in 1990, we originally played in the superb setting of the grounds of a 16th century château. Unfortunately, in 2020, the owners of the cricket pitch found a new use for the ground, which now features as part of Thoiry Zoo. The Club is currently nomadic, playing around 15 matches a season in the Ile de France area. We are an open, friendly association, playing good quality, competitive cricket, always keen to find new members.
Club Secretary: John Hardy
Founded in 1981, the Society: fosters research into the role played by the MacLeods in France, where they have been present and active for over 500 years; conserves and makes available family records; distributes the magazines issued by the worldwide ACMS, as well as the annual French magazine; and encourages social activities amongst members.
Membership is open to all, whether called MacLeod, descended from MacLeods, attached to the Clan or simply interested in joining.
President - Michel Maclot :
Secretary - Odile Hussenet Maclot :
Connect is based in the Dieppe area. The association’s aim is to promote all initiatives which will reinforce exchanges and friendship at an international level and in particular French-British relations. To this end, it organises events such as book exchanges, pub quizzes, restaurants, outings, coffee mornings in French or in English, etc.
President Anne Vandelannoote
06 46 40 42 12
Dear Conjunction, an English and French language theatre company based in Paris, has produced well over 40 plays since its foundation in 1991. DC is still run by its founder members but works with many other professional actors and directors.
As well as productions, DC regularly gives play and poetry readings and is happy to perform at special events throughout the year. We are always eager to welcome new performers, administrators, supporters...
Les Clack - 01 42 85 09 57 / 06 37 56 95 21
Trish Kessler - 01 42 41 69 65 / 06 31 32 47 84
Formed in 1986 as a not-for-profit association for women living in and around the Dordogne, we are a vibrant and enthusiastic community of all ages and nationalities (with English as the common language). Our ethos is networking, cultural exchange, friendship, support, welfare and raising money for local charities. Current members from all over the world provide mutual support for new lives in France and get together for social gatherings throughout the year. Annual membership is 25 euros.
President: Lin Green
Formed in 1987, DOG is an association of anglophones of various nationalities in and around the Dordogne area. We meet at least once a month at a variety of excellent restaurants for lunch and convivial discourse. At each lunch a member normally gives a talk on a subject of his choice, or a quiz or similar is held. Three lunches a year are attended by wives and partners. Participation is by invitation from a member.
President: Harris Raphael
EU Britizens is a group of experienced and dedicated professionals affected by Brexit aiming to help British Citizens’ legal cases going before the Court of Justice of the European Union in order to win back our European Citizenship rights to vote, live, work, study and retire in the European Union as well as keeping Freedom of Movement in the EU.
President: Alice Bouilliez
The Choir is conducted by Countertenor and composer Christopher Wells, who was a cathedral chorister under the choir's patron Sir David Willcocks.
For more than twenty years the ECC has been promoting English cathedral music throughout France's churches and cathedrals, taking part in religious ceremonies, services, weddings, carols, etc., as well larger orchestral works, festivals, TV and radio broadcasts.
Members include former English cathedral choristers and university choral scholars, but good musicians of all nationalities are welcome.
Odile and Christopher Wells - 01 42 72 73 76 -
ESFG Lyon provides a support network for native English-speaking families living in the Lyon area. We organize English-language playgroups for children of different ages at our hall in the 8eme district of Lyon, as well as a diary of social events for parents and families.
To find out more about joining our group, please visit our website.
The ESU, founded in 1918 in London, is an International Educational Charity whose aim is to promote understanding and friendship among people all over the world using English as a common language. ESU France has four branches, each one engaged in developing this aim differently.
ESU Paris: events, visits, lectures.
ESU Loire Valley: events and National Public Speaking Competition organisation, leading to participation in the International Public Speaking Competition.
ESU Bordeaux: regular meetings.
ESU Marseille: regular meetings.
Honorary President - Béatrix de Montgermont-Keil 01 46 51 55 24
Chairperson - Catherine Gaudin 06 37 28 51 37
Paris President - Luce Loussouarn 01 45 67 92 41
Loire Valley President - Patricia Curd 02 41 59 56 90
Bordeaux President - François Belly 06 72 15 37 22
Marseille President - Nicholas Hill
FFBS was created by French and British trustees of the British Committee of the French Red Cross who coordinated Britain’s care of wounded French servicemen in France during WW1. The headquarters has been at the Château de Sillery since 1919. From its 15 establishments, in and around Paris and Brittany, 350 qualified staff now help 850 vulnerable young people of 14 nationalities to manage their disabilities, acquire living and employment skills and lead independent working lives.
Château de Sillery, 91360 Epinay-sur-Orge
President - Alastair Ross,
Vice-President - Bernard Yassef
Website - Instagram - LinkedIn - Facebook
We are the representative body for the Franco-British & international business community in the Auvergne - Rhône-Alpes Region of France. As a member, you’ll unlock opportunities to expand business activity through:
• A vibrant & diverse network
• Members’ website database
• Regular seminars, meetings,& events
• Top speakers from all walks of life
• Links with other regional and international business clubs.
Moreover, FIBA can connect you with experts outside the Association for personalized help, advice, and guidance.
President - Rachel Maury
Secretary - Nicolas Delorme
Treasurer - Michel Bouzigues
FDA debates are based on the rules and procedures of the House of Commons.
They involve two teams of students from top French grandes écoles and universities who argue a motion in English, alternating between "proposition" and "opposition" speakers who deliver feisty six-minute speeches.
Spirited arguments and mutual rebuttals offer space for improvisation and rhetorical amusement to inspire an audience and, above all, convince the members of the jury.
Secretaries General: Marine Decuypère & Zakary Hammoutou
We are a group of English theatre lovers in Paris, which supports the London-based Tower Theatre Company in their visits to Paris. The next visit is hoped to be in 2025, and details will be announced on our website.
Friends (€25 p.a.) are entitled to free tickets to the play in Paris, and concessions for all Tower Theatre shows in London.
Information - Marcus Moore, Tel: 06 71 08 50 02,
Grapevine Association is a group in Aix-les-Bains who meet once a month to promote the English language and British culture. Founded in 1992, activities include conversation evenings, illustrated talks and outings. Emphasis is on the spoken word and topics related to the British culture and traditions. A friendly group for anyone who would like to improve their English and become acquainted with the British way of life.
The International Players are a friendly group of members of all ages and nationalities with a variety of talents, from acting and singing to designing sets and costumes.
We put on English-language productions which cover a range of very different styles from musicals and pantomimes to serious plays and comedies.
The group rehearses and performs mainly in St-Germain-en-Laye and Le Pecq. New members are always welcome, even if in France for a short time.
President - Amanda VanOsdol, Tel: 07 68 82 95 15
We are the official home for Liberal Democrat members and supporters living in France, with links to the party’s organisation across the globe. We actively promote the interests and concerns of Britons living in France, including their right to register for a vote for life in UK elections and are campaigning for effective representation through their own constituencies abroad. Join as a Member from £15 per annum or as a Registered Supporter free of charge.
Chair: Simon Marlow
Oxford University Alumni South West France welcomes all Oxford alumni living full or part-time in Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Occitanie and their families and guests. Visits to places of interest, often accompanied by a wine-tasting and always by lunch, are organized from April to November. We also circulate information received from members about activities in which they are involved, such as concerts, music festivals, and theatrical productions, as well as some BCC events.
Chairman: John Baylis
Secretary: Nigel Griffin
Treasurer: John Perry
OUSP organises events for Oxford alumni, students and guests, ranging from breakfast and evening talks and dinners with distinguished speakers to convivial pub evenings, wine and cheese parties and a variety of other events.
Events with the Cambridge Society include a viewing of the Boat Race, monthly drinks, some sports matches and an annual theatre performance in the Shakespeare Garden. A Garden Party at the British Embassy and Carol Singing at the Travellers are annual highlights.
Our website provides membership information and details of events.
President: Howard Norman
Hon. Secretary: Lina Schreiner
Affiliated to The Arts Society UK, this Franco-British society offers a series of illustrated monthly lectures in English, by experts in their fields, on Thursday afternoons from October to May. Other activities include: guided visits to museums and other places of interest; a book club; and an annual 3- or 4-day trip. New members are always welcome, as are guests (free first lecture). For details of our programme and membership, please see our web site.
Hon. Secretary: Phil Dunbar
Visits Secretary: Ghislaine Elliott
Informal lunch group hosted by Jonathan Cooper, an Individual Elected member of the BCC and Parnter in our advertiser Spectrum-IFA.
Paris Choral Society is an association of about 90 international voices accompanied by professional soloists and orchestras.
It is unique in Paris in that its choristers speak French and English, and all ages and backgrounds are represented. Along with three annual programmes, the PCS is well known in Paris for Handel's Messiah sing-along, sung during the Advent period.
The PCS performs famous requiems and masses, modern compositions, well-known operatic arias and themed concerts.
The American Cathedral in Paris, 23 Avenue George V, 75008 Paris
President: Christopher Grinbergs
Interim Musical Director: Lewis Hammond
The Paris Welsh Society, founded in 1890, brings together Welsh people working, visiting or resident in the Paris area, to share their cultural heritage.
The Society's annual programme of events includes the St David's Day dinner and Owain Glyndwr dinner, and during spring and summer an annual walk and boules competition.
PWS welcomes everyone who is Welsh, or who is interested in Wales, to join us. Croeso i bawb sydd a diddordeb yng Nghymru.
President: Kate Williams
An English conversation luncheon club that meets every fourth Wednesday of each month. We rotate our luncheon venues every month, so please contact us for the latest information.
The club is open to both male and female (and their partners) past or present members of Rotary, Innerwheel, Probus, Round Table, Ladies Circle, 41 Club, Tangent Club, and other like-minded clubs.
President: Jill Ferry
Phoenix is a non-profit organisation managed and run exclusively by volunteers, operating across the Dordogne and surrounding departments. The members are mainly British but also French, Dutch and some other nationalities.
We take in abused or abandoned animals for rehabilitation and re-homing. We act as intermediary between SPA shelters and people wishing to adopt from them. The Spring and Autumn Book Fairs are the stars of the yearly social events.
President Tiffany Stacpoole
Treasurer Chris Green
Secretary Sophie Nicol
RSCDS Lyon Branch offers classes in Scottish Dancing, a very active worldwide community. We are mainly involved in Scottish Country Dancing, with occasional classes in Highland dancing. We have a weekly class on Friday nights, with 3 levels (beginners, intermediate, advanced); we also organise ceilidhs, day classes and weekend schools, with live musicians whenever possible. We accept beginners all year round, so come and join us ! "Fun, fitness and friendship" (the RSCDS’s motto) guaranteed.
Contact: Laure Gardelle, Tel: 06 56 79 66 38,
The Paris Branch of the Society was created in 1984 in order to promote Scottish country dancing and to offer the opportunity to learn and practise Scottish Country Dances in France. The Branch organises classes, half-day schools for beginners, intermediate or advanced dancers. There is a dance every Monday night from 8pm to 10 pm and occasionally a ball on Saturday night. Everybody is warmly welcome.
Contact: Marcus Moore, Tel: 06 71 08 50 02
Founded in 1894, the Royal Society of Saint George, under the patronage of His Majesty the King, brings together all those in France who share a passion for the English way of life. Regular events at prestigious venues in and around Paris include the President’s Cocktail Party, the St. George's Day Dinner, the AGM and Summer Garden Party, the Longchamp Picnic, garden and museum visits, wine tastings and the Christmas Party.
Proposer and seconder required.
President : Andrew Simpkin,
Treasurer : Emmanuel Durand,
The Society of the Wallace Fountains is a non-profit organisation. Its mission is to promote, preserve and protect the historic Wallace Fountains of Paris, and to recognise and encourage philanthropy in the spirit of Sir Richard Wallace. It provides education and information about the historic, cultural and social significance of the fountains and their donor. The Society offers 21 self-guided walks to find all 108 Wallace Fountains scattered throughout Paris via its guidebook and website.
Secretary Gretel Furner,
President Barbara Lambesis,
Le WIC (Women's International Club) de Paris welcomes women of over 40 different nationalities residing in and around Paris. We offer activities such as museum visits, coffee mornings, lunches, local walks, book groups, monthly meetings and more! We extend a warm invitation for you to join us at one of our events and meet us in person. Please contact us by email or fill out the website inquiry form. We look forward to meeting you!